What Impact Will ChatGPT AI Have on the Salesforce Environment?


ChatGPT's capabilities are truly remarkable, as it can generate a variety of outputs with just a few inputs, such as Validation Rules, Apex Code, LWC, song lyrics, or even blog posts. It's amazing to think that this article could have been written by ChatGPT, and you wouldn't even know the difference.

So, what exactly is ChatGPT? It's an AI-powered chatbot or large language model that uses natural language processing (NLP) to communicate with you in a way that mimics human interaction. OpenAI, a company heavily backed by Microsoft, is the developer behind ChatGPT. Although its results are impressive, they aren't always 100% accurate, but we'll delve into that topic later.

Since ChatGPT's launch, millions of people have participated in its pilot program and are still exploring its capabilities and potential. It's evident that this technology has reached a level of sophistication that is starting to have a significant impact. OpenAI is not the only company with this kind of technology; Google has similar technology, but they have not yet released it due to concerns about the quality of the results and the impact it may have on their reputation.

In this article, we will examine the impact ChatGPT could have on the Salesforce ecosystem, including the potential benefits and drawbacks, ideal use cases, and important factors to consider when using its results.

Beware of What You Desire.

ChatGPT works by allowing you to input a request into the system, similar to how you would ask a person. Then, it scans its vast database of information obtained from millions of websites and creates an answer, which it presents in a natural, conversational manner. ChatGPT doesn't generate new ideas or content but excels at synthesizing and presenting historical information.

The precision of your request and the specificity of the information you are seeking influence the accuracy of the output. It's important to keep in mind that the results are not always perfect and require verification. Consider ChatGPT as a highly efficient and competent assistant or consultant.

If the output is not accurate, you can adjust your request, and ChatGPT will correct the answer. The process involves both training ChatGPT to provide better responses and training you to ask questions in a more effective manner.

Use Cases.

Use CasesIn the context of Salesforce, ChatGPT can generate outputs such as Validation Rules, Formulas, Apex Classes, Lightning Web Components (LWC), or Unit Tests for LWC. However, it cannot create flows or other declarative results, although it can produce the XML that is generated from declarative actions, such as creating an object and fields.

ChatGPT is best suited for specific, well-defined tasks. The results may not be as satisfactory for more general or broader scope tasks. Don't expect it to be able to write the XML required to configure Salesforce for a car dealership, no matter how much information you provide.

If you're interested in examples of using ChatGPT for Salesforce, this discussion on Reddit includes several cases.

Winners and Losers.

ChatGPT is unlikely to replace Salesforce Admins in the near future. Instead, it has the potential to make these professionals more productive and efficient by allowing them to utilize ChatGPT's abilities to speed up many configuration processes. However, they need to learn how to work with ChatGPT to improve the accuracy of the results.

Junior developers may be at a slight risk, as ChatGPT has been trained on millions of lines of code, making it highly skilled in developing code. While the code generated may not be perfect, it can serve as a good starting point for experienced developers. Junior developers, on the other hand, can use ChatGPT as a tool to improve their coding skills.

Consultants may also benefit from ChatGPT, as it can assist in writing proposals by generating generic core paragraphs. However, relying too heavily on the technology is not recommended, as the results may not be entirely accurate. For instance, when asked about the process for merging organizations, ChatGPT gave an answer that initially appeared credible, but upon closer examination, was not entirely accurate due to its lack of understanding of the nuances involved.

Avoid the urge to present ChatGPT's answer as your own expertise in a field where you lack knowledge, as it could lead to loss of trust with your client. ChatGPT's output cannot substitute the experience and skills you have acquired.
Business analysts can benefit from using ChatGPT to generate ideas for process steps, but it should be noted that these suggestions tend to be generic in nature. It can be helpful to prepare with ChatGPT before a workshop to ensure that no important angles are missed. The value for architects is not as clear, as the path to becoming a certified architect requires hands-on experience and a deep understanding of context, which is not a strong suit of ChatGPT.

When it comes to documentation, such as marketing materials, training guides, or business cases, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for creating a first draft. However, it's not a magic solution. When documenting changes made in your organization, it's important to explain the reasoning behind them, which ChatGPT may not be able to provide. In such cases, it may be just as efficient to type the information directly into a metadata dictionary like Elements.cloud.

Limitations and Considerations.

While LLMs like ChatGPT have impressive outputs, they also have recognized issues like amplifying biases present in their training data, which can lead to discrimination against certain groups. Additionally, the responses they provide can sometimes be inaccurate or unreliable due to the presence of questionable data among the many sources used for training. Some users have reported instances of ChatGPT fabricating information or making false and harmful statements. However, for the purposes of using ChatGPT within the Salesforce system, these concerns are less relevant since its usage is primarily for generating specific content like formulas, rather than requesting opinions.

ChatGPT – ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’.

Access to ChatGPT, though you may face difficulties securing a login due to high demand. Once you're able to log in, you may find yourself spending a lot of time exploring its various capabilities and applications. Be careful, as it can be addictive.

Rory Plewes and Walter Bril from Elements.cloud have been able to use ChatGPT early on and have had a positive experience with it. They have also contributed to this article.

Final Thoughts.

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that will leave you impressed with its ability to generate results. In the near future, we will find out where it is most useful. However, it is important to keep in mind that ChatGPT cannot substitute for actual experience and knowledge. One must understand the topic at hand to ask proper questions and validate the responses received.

The future is yet to be determined.


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